DAS INVESTMENT – Edelmetall-Kombi: Physisches Gold, Silber und Minenaktien in einem Fonds

Gold hält sich stabil über der Marke von 2.000 US-Dollar. Doch die Minen kommen nicht so recht vom Fleck. Dabei gibt es gute Gründe, sich auch Goldaktien ins Depot zu legen. Mit dem neuen Incrementum Active Gold Fund haben Anleger die Möglichkeit, mit einem Produkt breiter als bisher üblich in Edelmetalle zu investieren.

Kitco – Interview with Ronald Stöferle

Higher rates in the short term

Investors should consider building a strategic position in the gold market, despite expectations of lower gold prices in the near term due to rising bond yields on the short end of the curve. Persistently higher inflation has prompted markets to price in aggressive monetary policy action from the Federal Reserve.


Recession Looming

Further downside risk is possible in the next few weeks, but gold is showing relative strength. The rise in shorter-term bond yields indicates a potential recession, which would force the Federal Reserve to unwind its aggressive tightening. We recommend cost averaging and taking advantage of lower gold prices to build a strategic position ahead of the second half of the year, when wwe expects gold prices to end above $2,000 an ounce.

The Swiss Banker

A special interview of Executive Global with the Swiss Banker STEFAN M. KREMETH, investment banker, award-winning asset manager and CEO of Incrementum AG, a Liechtenstein based firm applying Austrian School Economics within their business model. Executive Global discuss central bank policy, cryptocurrencies, macroeconomic trends and precious metals investment with the company delivering tailor-made solutions for affluent institutional and private clients. Read more in the article below.